Star Trek Puzzle Manual (Abridged)
Puzzles, mazes and trivia to baffle, enlighten and amuse Star Trek fans everywhere.
Officially approved by
For the improvement of mind skills by Starfleet Cadets
* * *
with a special
* * *
Created by Captain James Razzi, former Commander USS Constellation (Retired)
The model of the USS Enterprise hangs in space over the threshold of the new Starfleet Academy Wing which is dedicated to all new cadets. The new wing is an exact replica of one which was a part of one of Earth’s most prestigious museums dedicated to the sciences.
To Mary, Signe, Christina & Jenny
Many thanks to these Starfleet personnel who helped in the making of this manual—
Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath for their tantalizing trivia.
Rick and Glory Brightfield for their masterful mazes.
Jack Looney for his enlightened editing.
A Bantam Book / November 1976
Corgi Edition / November 1976
Abridged Version / August 1977
Bantam Abridged Version
First Printing / October 1977
Second Printing / November 1977
Third Printing / December 1977
Newly Abridged Version / January 1978
Photographs on pages 5, 7, 9, 16, 19, 53, 55, 39, 40, 41, 43, 46, 52, 57, 61, 67, 81, 82, 87 and 89 appear courtesy of Paramount Pictures Corporation.
All rights reserved
ISBN 0-553-01054-9
Copyright © 1976 by Paramount Pictures Corporation.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or by any other means, without permission. For information, address Bantam Books, Inc.
Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, Inc., and its trademark, consisting of the words “Bantam Books” and the portrayal of a bantam, is registered in the United States Patent Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10019.
Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada.
Personal Message from Captain Kirk:
This manual is presently being used at Starfleet Academy by officer cadets for the purpose of sharpening their mind skills. You new officer cadets will also find the manual useful for that purpose. As you know, there is no age limit for new cadets. Although a great number are young, the Academy accepts all applicants on the basis of their abilities and nothing else. This manual will help you to keep up some of those abilities and provide entertainment as well.
There is an evaluation guide at the back of the manual so that you can see what area of Starfleet operations you will eventually be best suited for as a Starfleet officer. Each test has a scoring system* and you will grade yourself accordingly. The honor system is, of course, used.
In closing, I would like to say that I’m proud to welcome all of you new cadets to the Academy and I hope that I may get the opportunity to meet some of you in person when you are on Starfleet active service.
*Note: To use the scoring system, first complete each test in the manual to the best of your ability. After you have completed all the tests that you are able to, then check your answers against those at the back of the manual, marking in your score on each test.
6 TEST: Visual Skills
Starship personnel must be visually perceptive as well as mentally alert. Throughout the manual there will be puzzles of a maze type, and others to test your visual awareness.
Below is the Guardian of Forever Maze. Begin at Star-Date 5906.4 and go through the maze until you return back to your original time. If you have to retrace your path more than twice, you are considered “Lost in Time.”
Scoring: 6 points for completed maze.
7 TEST: Visual Skills. Memory Recall
These puzzles are used to sharpen your memory. As you know, Starship duty calls for instant recall of facts. There is little time to look up the answer in manuals when you are in the middle of a Red Alert. These Memory Recall Tests will combine your visual perception with your memory skills. Here is the first:
Study the picture below for as long as you think necessary to memorize all the details. Now turn the page and answer the questions. Do not look back at this page for reference.
8 Visual Skills. Memory Recall: Questions
How many chairs are overturned?
Which hand is Kirk holding on with?
Which leg has Kirk raised?
How many people are sitting down?
Which arm does the girl in the background have raised?
Is the door from the bridge open or closed?
Who is sitting at the command console?
Is Kirk looking straight ahead or behind him?
Scoring: 1 point for each correct answer.
9 TEST: Logic
First Officer Spock of the USS Enterprise acted as consultant for the logic puzzles in this manual. They can all be solved using simple logic or common sense.
You have 7 Tribbles; 6 of them weigh exactly the same and one is lighter than the rest. You have an old-fashioned balance scale with two trays. Find the lightest Tribble with just two weighings on the scale.
Answer this question: How far can the Enterprise go into Romulan Space?
You find yourself by a river on a desolate planet. You have two old-fashioned empty water cans, a 5-gallon can and a 2-gallon can. Your new-model, one-man shuttlecraft can get you off the planet, using water as a basis for its ionic power unit, but you must put in exactly 5 gallons of water—no more, no less. How do you do it?
Scoring: 2 points for each correct answer.
10-11 TEST: Decoding
Most of the messages a Starship receives on active service are in code. Therefore, it is important for anyone seeking Starship duty to be familiar with the various coding devices used by Starfleet Command. This manual contains some of them for you to work on. Here is one.
Messages received on the computer tele-readout are highly abbreviated. If you were on communications watch, you would receive the message in the form shown. See if you can write out the words completely in the lines below the message.
Frm Strflt Cmmd:
Entr wll condct wr gms in sectr fve. Thr wll be a simlted attck on Strbse sx-fve-zro. Entr wll interct enmy wrshps at rndev pt sevn-eght-zro. Entr wll be on Rd Alrt at all tms. All persnl wll stnd by fr inst actn at battl stats. Cpt Krk wll persnilv cmmd ent onertn. Ths messg shld be destvd accrdg to std procdre as sn as possbl aft bng recvd.
Decode message here:
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Scoring: 3 points for completed message. 2 points if more than two errors. 0 points if more than five errors.
12-13 TEST: Visual Skills
Starting at the top black star, trace a line through each star without lifting your pencil from the paper. You must end up at the bottom black star, using only vertical and horizontal lines (no diagonals). You must pass through every star once, without crossing the lines you have drawn.
Scoring: 5 points.
14-15 TEST: Language Skills
As you know, a candidate for Starship duty must be fluent in at least three languages. But in order to learn other languages well, you must first be fluent in your own. Therefore, we have included many word skills tests
in this manual. Here are a couple of easy ones.
1. Enter the words across the grid, according to the clues. Then find the word “SPOCK,” and circle it.
Leopards can’t change them
Not together
Castles in chess
Electricity gives one
“Alas, - - - - -”
Scoring: 5 points.
2. Change the word PIKE (former fleet captain) into the word MORG (male of Sigma Draconis). You must do it in four steps, changing a letter at a time, and forming a new word each time.
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
Scoring; 2 points.
16 TEST: Logic
Alexander the dwarf was told by his Platonian masters to dig a hole 4 feet deep by 3 feet wide. After he did this, they asked him to dig half a hole. What would the dimensions of the half a hole be?
If 9 Vulcans eat 9 Vulcan pears in 9 minutes, how long would it take 8 Vulcans to eat 8 Vulcan pears?
Sulu likes to collect 20th-century United States coins for a hobby. He is looking at two of these coins in his hand that add up to fifteen cents and one of them is not a dime. What denominations are the coins?
Scoring: 2 points for each correct answer.
17-18 TEST: Visual Skills
Figure 1 shows four Starships passing through a meteor storm. Are their trails parallel?
Scoring: 2 points.
Figure 2 below shows two Starships on right angled courses. Which course line is longer, A or B?
Scoring: 2 points.
19 TEST: Visual Skills. Memory Recall
Study the picture below for as long as you think necessary to memorize all the details. Now turn the page and answer the questions. Do not look back at this page for reference.
20 Visual Skills. Memory Recall: Questions
How many people are coming through the door?
Which leg does Sulu have coming forward, his right or his left?
Which leg does Chekov have coming forward, his right or his left?
Only Chekov is smiling. True or false?
Which way are Chekov and Sulu looking? To their right or left?
Which of Sulu’s hands is not visible at all? Right or left?
Who is coming through the door first, Sulu or Chekov?
Is there anyone directly behind Chekov and Sulu?
Scoring: 1 point for each correct answer.
21 TEST: Visual Skills
Some well-known aliens are hiding in this word-find. Some of the words are proper names and some are the names of the alien’s race. Find: TRIBBLE, SURAK, ROMULAN, YARNEK, KLINGON, TRELANE, REDJAC, GORN and GORGAN. You can go forward, backward, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Draw a line around each word as you find it.
Scoring: 5 points for 9 words found. 3 points for 6 to 8 words found. 2 points for 3 to 5 words found.
22-23 TEST: Logic
Scotty told this puzzle to a group of young engineers on off-duty hours in recreational area 59. He called it the puzzle of the Stingy Scotsmen. Here’s how it went:
Three Scotsmen went to a hotel to get a room for the night. The hotel owner told them it would cost them 15 pounds (old-time British money). The Scotsmen grumbled about the price a little but finally paid the owner 5 pounds each and went to the room. But soon after, the Scotsmen phoned the owner and said the room wasn’t worth 15 pounds. He had better make it cheaper or they would leave.
The hotel owner gave in and said he would make an adjustment. After getting off the phone, the owner decided to only charge 10 pounds for the room so he gave his maid 5 pounds to take back to the Scotsmen. The maid wasn’t very honest, however, and on the way up to the room she kept 2 pounds for herself, and she gave back the Scotsmen 1 pound each.
“That's good,” said the men. “This room only costs us 4 pounds each now.”
After Scotty told this little story he asked the young engineers to solve this problem:
If the three Scotsmen paid 4 pounds each for the room, that is a total of 12 pounds. If the maid kept 2 pounds, and you add that to the 12 pounds, that is a total of 14 pounds. That means there is 1 pound missing. What happened to it? Do you know?
Scoring: 6 points.
24 TEST: Decoding
Since many alien languages have nothing like the vowels in Earth languages, a simple coding device is to leave out the vowels in a message and have the communications officer out them back when he receives the message. Here is a coded message to the Enterprise. Put in the correct vowels where they are missing.
T_ C_pt__n K_rk fr_m St_rfl__t C_mm_nd:
R_m_l_n w_rsh_ps _r_ _n s_ct_r f__r. Y__ w_ll pr_c__d th_r_ w_th _ll h_st_ _nd _rd_r th_m __t _f th_t r_str_ct_d _r__.
H_w_v_r, _nd_r n_ c_rc_mst_nc_ w_ll y__ t_k_ _ct__n th_t m_y l__d t_ _ w_r w_th th_ R_m_l_ns.
Scoring: 3 points for completed message. 2 points if more than five errors. 0 points if more than ten errors.
25 TEST: Visual Skills. Memory Recall
Study the course that the Starship in Star-Map 1 has taken. When you think you have memorized it, turn the page and draw the same course on the Star-Map 1 layout without referring back to this page.
26 Visual Skills. Memory Recall
Scoring: Star-Map 1 = 2 points.
27 TEST: Visual Skills. Memory Recall
Repeat, using Star-Map 2.
28 Visual Skills. Memory Recall
Scoring: Star-Map 2 = 2 points.
29-30 TEST: Visual Skills
Move the five strips of paper up and down mentally until you find a position in which a five-letter word can be read across. Here’s a hint: It’s something that Mr. Spock doesn’t often do.
Scoring: 2 points.
The circles below represent Starships in a triangle formation. Can you move just three circles and reverse the triangle?
Scoring: 2 points.
31 TEST: Visual Skills
Klingon cruisers and Starships are squaring off for a space battle. You can stop the fight by separating the ships from one another with a force field (line). Using only three straight lines, isolate each ship in its own enclosed space.
Scoring: 5 points.
32-33 TEST: Logic
The Enterprise computer can be used for recreational games as well as for the primary function of running a Starship. See if you can guess how the computer plays this game.
Here is its directive:
Take a pencil and paper. Think of any number from 1 to 59. Write it down. Add 9 to it. Subtract 5 from the total. Add 7 to the new total. Subtract 3 from the total you now have. Add 8 to the new total. Subtract the number you originally thought of from the final total. The number you have left is 16. Can you figure out how the computer did it?
Scoring: 2 points.
The computer asks this question:
“How many times can you subtract the numeral 2 from the numeral 24?”
Scoring: 2 points.
34 TEST: Visual Skills
Below are the names of five Starship crew members with one straight line missing in each letter of their names. The dots separate each letter and the letters are formed with straight lines only. For example:
KIRK would be
Now find the rest of the crew.
Scoring: 1 point for each correct answer.
35 TEST: Visual Skills. Memory Recall
Study the picture below for as long as you think necessary to memorize all the details. Now turn the page and answer the questions. Do not look back at this page for reference.
36 Visual Skills. Memory Recall: Questions
How many horns does the monster have?
How many fingers on each hand does it have?
Are Kirk’s arms raised or at his side?
Is his shirt open or closed?
Kirk has a band around one of his upper arms, which one? His right or left?
Does Kirk have his phaser out? br />
In the upper left-hand corner of the scene, are there rocks or brush?
What color is the monster?